
Monday, January 17, 2011

C++ Primer, Fourth Edition Notes Chapter 15. Object-Oriented Programming

Writing our own object-oriented or generic types requires a fairly good understanding of C++. Fortunately, we can use OO and generic types without understanding the details of how to build them. In fact, the standard library uses the facilities we'll study in Chapters 15 and 16 extensively, and we've used the library types and algorithms without needing to know how they are implemented. Readers, therefore, should understand that Part IV covers advanced topics. Writing templates or object-oriented classes requires a good understanding of the basics of C++ and a good grasp of how to define more basic classes

Section 15.1 OOP: An Overview

Section 15.2 Defining Base and Derived Classes

Section 15.3 Conversions and Inheritance

Section 15.4 Constructors and Copy Control

Section 15.5 Class Scope under Inheritance

Section 15.6 Pure Virtual Functions

Section 15.7 Containers and Inheritance

Section 15.8 Handle Classes and Inheritance

Section 15.9 Text Queries Revisited

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